Thursday, August 5, 2010

Down, down, baby

I weighed in at 142.1 today! Something's working!

I decided to skip the elliptical and instead did a yoga class for my lunchtime workout. I just couldn't face the elliptical. Well, it's not that I couldn't face the elliptical; I couldn't face the thought of watching ESPN for 45 minutes. The gym near my work is kinda limited for TV stations, and there is only so much ESPN I can take.

I can tell my strength has improved, because so much in the yoga class was easier than when I was doing it every week. It's still a good workout, though. In fact, when I hit my LW (124), it was when I was teaching a fitness  yoga class three mornings a week. But then, I was a friggin' yoga nazi. My routines were brutal...this wasn't your grandma's yoga. Sadly, I injured my back about seven years ago, and for a number of reasons, it just got progressively worse, which I believe was a factor in my weight gain. I just couldn't move around as much without pain, so I used my back muscles less, which made them weaker, which made it harder to move around, lather, rinse, repeat. But since May, I've been working on back strengthening stuff, and it has helped loads. I used to wake up in the morning barely able to get out of bed. Now, I just hop out, no problem.

Food intake for yesterday was OK. I ate a bunch of raw brocalli and raw spinach (as much as I could stomach...I was feeling kind of weak and nauseated...probably about 1.5 cups of each). I had about 3/4 cup of veggie soup and about a cup of a ground turkey/rice thing. I finished that with 2 slices of deli ham and 1 slice of deli turkey and 15 of these little whole-wheat cracker things. Probably the whole thing was under 700 calories, maybe under 600 calories.

Tonight I have to go clothes shopping for a party my husband and I are going to Friday. It's a Hawaiian theme, and I own nothing like that. I hope it doesn't take long, because I'd like to go to the gym tonight, as I know I'll be able to go only once tomorrow too.

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