Monday, August 23, 2010


I weighed in at 142.2 today. That's 0.5 up from Thursday. OK, so I did eat a lot at this birthday party we went to Saturday night. And the drinking. Oh yeah, and I did have McDonald's late Friday night. Not so good food-wise this weekend. But I did get in a workout Sunday night. My son was nice enough to hit the gym with me. He's a sweetie.

I did a cardio kickboxing class over lunch. I used to do this class all the time, but it tended to irritate my already bad lower back. However, there is only so much of the elliptical I can take. Gotta switch things up now and then. It was a good workout, for sure...we'll just have to wait and see what this does to my back, though. I plan to get in another workout tonight with the kids.

So Friday night we had this guy we know over, along with his girlfriend and his 16-year-old son. The guy and his son are odd ducks, but we like them. The girlfriend was a piece of work! We had cleaned the house before they got there (though it was in good shape anyway), yet the FIRST thing out of this woman's mouth when she stepped into my door was this little conversation:

Woman: Do you have a cleaning lady?
Me: [laughing at the thought of it] No.
Woman: Well, I clean houses on the side just as an independent, and I just saw that you had dust.

I was stunned! I mean, what kind of person comes into someone's home and points out dust?!?! Good thing she was kind of a trainwreck all-around; I mean, at least we got some good stories to tell out of the evening lol.

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